🚨 Our internet and phone lines are currently down at school. We are working on this, and will update our social media when we have news. 

In the meantime, if you need to contact the school office for an urgent matter, please phone our office cellphone 022 089 2568

If you need to make any payments such as sports fees, school ID cards, trips or other, you can come to make payments at our cashier 

Opening Hours: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm 

or alternatively, you can make a payment online

KBHS Bank Account Details - ASB Bank, New Lynn, 12-3034-0708887-00

  • Reference: Last name, First name initial
  • Code: The reason for paying e.g - SchoolID, RugbyFees


Any school donations are grateully received. Please contact our cashier for more information.

Cashier Details: Mrs Takako Dean

Our cashier office is open 8:30am-3:00pm 

Phone: (09) 818 6185 ext 230

Email: accounts@kbhs.school.nz