
​​​​​​​POLYFEST 2025

2025 Polyfest Student Requirements

Warm Pasifika greetings students, staff and families

My name is Miss Saronna Auina and I am the Cultural Leader - Pasifika, formerly known as Pasifika Dean at Kelston Boys’ High School and it is my duty and privilege to oversee all our Pasifika Cultural groups. 

Preparation towards the 2025 ASB Polyfest have commenced and we want to make sure that you are ready! It is important for you to understand that competing at Polyfest is not a right, it is a privilege that is earned by meeting the criteria below, in full, by the end of the school year. 

The 2025 Polyfest Student Requirements are that by December 2024, you will have met the following expectations:

  • Academic: move up in overall curriculum level for e-asTTle (Jnr), or gain current NCEA qualification (Snr)
  • Attendance: 80% attendance or above, and
  • Attitude: demonstrate the school values with no KAMAR incidents or classroom issues.  Exemptions: case by case consideration

We wholeheartedly believe that we have and continue to produce quality Polyfest students because we have and continue to produce quality classroom students first and foremost. We appreciate your understanding and support with KBHS Polyfest, and look forward to you journeying with us.