Standards of conduct

Kelston Boys' High School expects parents, caregivers and vistors to:

  • treat everyone with respect
  • work together in partnership with staff for the benefit of students
  • respect and adhere to our school values
  • set a good example for students at all times
  • follow school procedures to handle any complaints
  • adhere to school policies and procedures (such as those listed below) and any legal requirements

Examples of unsuitable conduct include:

  • threats, bullying, harassment
  • profanity/offensive language
  • insulting, abusing, or intimidating behaviour
  • racism or discrimination (eg. based on ethnicity, religion)
  • physical aggression
  • deception/fraud
  • damaging school property
  • smoking, vaping, possessing, or using alcohol/drugs/other harmful substances on school premises or at another venue where students and/or staff are assembled for school purposes (except possession or use of alchol in accordance with school policy)
  • placing unreasonable and excessive expectations on staff time or resources
  • pursuing a complaint or campaign, or making defamatory, offensive or derogatory comments, regarding the school, its boad, or any staff or students on social media or other public forums
  • wearing gang insignia on the school grounds.  (This is not allowed under the Prohibition of Gang Insignia legislation, and anyone wearing it will be asked to leave).