


If you enjoy reading, you would be pleased to know that the library’s Summer Reading Programme is on offer again to ensure you have enough to read during the long summer break. 

You will be allowed to take out up to eight books during the last week of term 4 (from 2 December 2024) and return them to the library during the 1st week of school in 2025. 

To participate in this programme, your parent/guardian must fill out a Summer Reading letter undertaking to look after the books and ensure they are returned on time next year. The letter is attached here and you can also pick up a print copy in the library. The letter must please be returned to the library before you take out the books. 

If you are unsure about choosing books, the library staff would love to help you find books you will enjoy. 

It’s a long break, so we invite you to fill up some of your time by expanding your mind, entering another imaginary world and learning about new things! We invite you to read!