Teacher Only Day Friday 15 November - No NZQA Exams Friday 15 November

Message From The Principal

To Wisdom with Honour

Hei te matauranga I ou nei Mana


Kia ora koutou, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Kia orana, Ni sa bula vinaka, Fakatalofa atu, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Malo ni, Mabuhay, Namaste, Anyeoung haseyo, As-Salaam-Alaikum, Ni hao.

It is unbelievable that the 2020 school year has drawn to a close and that we have survived and, in most cases, thrived in what has been a torrid year. As Covid-19 continues to linger around and as a school, I am so proud of the way our staff and students have remained resilient to the end. Hauora was a key focus of this year and again, I am so proud to see how staff got together to ensure that our students and whānau were looked after during both lockdown periods and throughout the year. For this I would like to thank everyone for their kindness and manaaki.

It is important that I acknowledge key people for the work they have done over a period of time. One of the structural changes the school has undertaken is within the Pastoral space. As we move towards a vertical house system, we have had to say farewell to our Year-level structure which has been replaced with the Kaimanaaki Tangata team. I would like to thank the following Year-level deans for all the work they have done in ensuring our students were looked after and supporting them over the period they have held their respective positions:

Year 9 – Mr Woodhall-Martin

Year 10 – Mr Mihaljevich

Year 11 – Mr Edwards

Year 12 – Mr Parsons

Year 13 – Mr McPherson


An additional change that the school has made for 2021 is for all junior classes to be of mixed-abilities. The only exceptions are the Year 9 and Year 10 Matou Tatou classes which provide additional support for students with learning challenges. This decision has not been made lightly and is the result of recent research with regards to the minimal benefits of streaming, and the analysis of student achievement data over time that indicate that students in mixed ability classes by and large make the most gains in terms of their achievement, in comparison to other classes. This is aligned with the new National Education and Learning Priorities set by the government, in particular the priorities on Learners at the Centre and Barrier-free Access. The timetable has therefore been adjusted so that core subject areas are timetabled at the same time to allow for a variety of activities and learning to take place and be shared. Below is a link to an editorial piece on this matter for your reading.


The end of the year always sees the school farewelling some staff members. Mr James (ESOL/English) and Ms Becker (Visual Arts) have both completed their one-year fixed-term contract with the school and I wish them well for the future. I would also like to farewell Mr Siliko and thank him for the 10 years he has been with Kelston Boys’ High School. Mr Siliko has decided a change is what he needs currently, and I want to wish him all the best as he journeys on to other pursuits.

My biggest acknowledgement and gratitude presently has to go to Mr Steve White. After a 40 year stint as a teacher at Kelston Boys High School, Mr White is hanging up his laboratory coat and bidding farewell to the school as he retires. Added to his years as a student at the school, I would say he has had the longest connection to the school of anyone on staff. The impact Mr White has had on students and the school cannot be expressed sufficiently on paper. A humble and conscientious person, Mr White has always put his students first, ensuring that they are learning and enjoying Science. Many past students will attest to his influence on them and the pathways Mr White has opened to them. Thank you, Steve, for all that you have done for our students and school. May you enjoy retirement to the fullest and perhaps we may see you as a reliever in 2021.

In closing, I would like to thank everyone in the Kelston Boys’ High School community for all your support and care for our school.

Kia ora rawa atu, Fa’afetai tele lava, Malo 'aupito, Vinaka, Fakafetai and Xie xie.

May you enjoy Christmas and the summer holidays. Stay safe and see you all in 2021.













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